Scripture Verse

I delight to do Thy will. Psalm 40:8


Words: W. H. Pike, 1905.

Music: Mrs. W. H. Pike (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Mr. Pike’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Mrs. Pike (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O gra­cious God, on Thee I wait,
With Thine own self my be­ing fill;
As day by day my life I live,
To do Thy will, Thy bless­èd will.


To do Thy will, yes, that is all;
To do Thy will, ob­ey Thy call;
To fol­low, Lord, where Thou dost lead,
To do Thy will is all I need.

In tri­als oft I find my­self,
With soul op­pressed and bo­dy ill;
There is a place where peace is found,
’Tis in Thy will, Thy ho­ly will.


And when the glimpse of glo­ry comes,
That gives my soul a hap­py thrill,
My soul shall an­swer with delight,
I love, dear Lord, to do Thy will.
