Scripture Verse

Until the day break, and the shadows flee away. Song of Solomon 4:6


Ada R. Habershon

Words: Ada R. Ha­ber­shon, in Al­ex­an­der’s Gos­pel Songs and So­los, ed­it­ed by Charles M. Al­ex­an­der (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Ster­ling Mu­sic, 1917).

Music: Guay­aquil George C. Steb­bins, 1917 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Stebbins


Till the day break and the sha­dows flee away,
Waiting for the shin­ing of the sun’s first ray;
Looking for the bright­ness that pro­claims Him near,
Longing for the Pre­sence which has grown so dear.


Till the day break and the sha­dows flee away,
Till the day break when He comes again for me;
Till the day break and the sha­dows flee away,
Longing for the mo­ment when His face I see.

Through the hours of dark­ness, wait­ing for the light,
For the cloud­less sun­rise that will end the night;
Watching for the morn­ing when our Lord shall come,
And His voice will call us to the heav­en­ly home.


Many of His wait­ing ones in Him now sleep,
Till the night be ov­er, earth their dust will keep;
But at day break, they from out their graves shall rise,
And with all His peo­ple meet Him in the skies.


He is wait­ing pa­tient­ly for that bright day,
When the earth­born sha­dows will have fled away;
When He will re­ceive us to Him­self at last—
No more se­pa­ra­tion, sin and sor­row past.
