Scripture Verse

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Matthew 24:36


Words: Harry South­wick, in The Shin­ing Ri­ver, ed­it­ed by Hen­ry Per­kins & Will­iam O. Per­kins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1875), num­ber 50.

Music: Dae­jon Peter For­rest (🔊 pdf nwc).


Thro’ life’s dark vales and sha­dows,
Till Christ shall come,
We’ll wan­der on our jour­ney,
Till Christ shall come;
E’en tho’ the way seems drea­ry,
Till Christ shall come,
We’ll bear our bur­dens meek­ly,
Till Christ shall come;
Then, with the ho­ly an­gels,
Singing God’s love,
With friends and saints im­mor­tal
In realms ab­ove:
Singing with hal­le­lu­jahs,
Triumphant songs
To God the Son and Spir­it
All praise be­longs.

We’ll strug­gle on and la­bor,
Till Christ shall come,
Helping our wea­ry neigh­bor,
Till Christ shall come;
’Twill make the way less drea­ry,
Till Christ shall come,
To keep the sad and wea­ry,
Till Christ shall come;
Then, oh, what glo­ry waits us,
In Heav’n to sing;
Our Fa­ther’s smiles to greet us
Pure joys will bring;
Then, O my soul, take cour­age,
Rest in His love
Till Christ shall come to take us
To Heav’n above.

We’ll thank our heav’n­ly Fa­ther,
Till Christ shall come,
For sun­shine, show­er and sha­dow,
Till Christ shall come:
With lamps all full and wait­ing
Till Christ shall come,
We’ll keep them trimmed and burn­ing
Till Christ shall come;
Then to His fold in glo­ry,
Where all is fair;
His arms are strong to take us
With lov­ing care;
Then, on the wings of morn­ing,
We’ll soar away,
By wa­ters and green pas­tures,
To end­less day.