Scripture Verse

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. Luke 11:2


Words: Fred­er­ick L. Hos­mer, 1891. Hos­mer wrote this hymn for the com­mence­ment ce­re­mo­ny at Mead­ville Theo­lo­gic­al School, Mead­ville, Penn­syl­van­ia, June 12, 1891. It first ap­peared in The Thought of God in Hymns and Poems, se­cond ser­ies (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: 1894).

Music: Ir­ish, me­lo­dy from A Col­lect­ion of Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, by S. Pow­ell (Dub­lin: 1749) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes

Frederick Hosmer (1840–1929)


Thy king­dom come! on bend­ed knee
The pass­ing ag­es pray;
And faith­ful souls have yearned to see
On earth that king­dom’s day.

But the slow watch­es of the night
Not less to God belong;
And for the ev­er­last­ing right
The si­lent stars are strong.

And lo, al­ready on the hills
The flags of dawn ap­pear;
Gird up your loins, ye pro­phet souls,
Proclaim the day is near.

The day in whose clear shin­ing light
All wrong shall stand re­vealed,
When jus­tice shall be throned in might,
And ev­ery hurt be healed.

When know­ledge, hand in hand with peace,
Shall walk the earth abroad;
The day of per­fect right­eous­ness,
The pro­mised day of God.