Scripture Verse

Save now, I beseech Thee, O Lord. Psalm 118:25


Johann Heermann (1585–1647)

Words: Jo­hann Heer­mann, 1630 (Rett, O Herr Je­su, rett dein’ ehr’). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Mat­thi­as Loy, 1880, alt.

Music: Er­halt uns, Herr, Geist­liche Lied­er (Wit­ten­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1543) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Matthias Loy (1828–1915)


Thine hon­or save, O Christ, our Lord!
Hear Zi­on’s cries and help af­ford;
Destroy the wiles of migh­ty foes
Who now Thy Word and truth op­pose.

Their craft and pomp in­deed are great,
And of their pow­er they boast and prate;
Our hope they scorn­ful­ly de­ride
And deem us no­thing in their pride.

Forgive, O Lord, our sins for­give.
Grant us Thy grace and let us live.
Convince Thy foes through­out the land
That god­less coun­sels shall not stand.

That Thou art with us, Lord, pro­claim
And put our en­emies to shame;
Confound them in their haugh­ti­ness
And help Thine own in their dis­tress.

Preserve Thy lit­tle flock in peace,
Nor let Thy bound­less mer­cy cease;
To all the world let it ap­pear
That Thy true Church in­deed is here.