Scripture Verse

God will provide. Genesis 22:8


John Newton (1725–1807)

Words: John New­ton, 1775, alt. Pub­lished in The Gos­pel Ma­ga­zine, Jan­ua­ry 1777.

Music: St. De­nio, Welsh tune, from Ca­nai­dau y Cyssegr, by John Ro­berts, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Though trou­bles as­sail us
And dan­gers af­fright,
Though close friends should fail us
And foes all unite,
Yet one thing se­cures us,
Whatever be­tide,
The pro­mise as­sures us,
The Lord will pro­vide.

The birds, with­out gar­ner
Or store­house, are fed;
From them let us learn to
Trust God for our bread.
His saints what is fit­ting
Shall ne’er be de­nied
So long as ’tis writ­ten,
The Lord will pro­vide.

We all may, like ships, by
The tem­pest be tossed
On pe­ril­ous deeps, but
We can­not be lost;
Though Sa­tan en­rag­es
The wind and the tide,
Yet Scrip­ture en­gag­es,
The Lord will pro­vide.

His call we ob­ey, and
Like Ab­ram of old,
We know not the way,
But our faith makes us bold;
For though we are stran­gers,
We have a sure guide,
And trust in all dan­gers,
The Lord will pro­vide.

When Sa­tan as­sails us
To stop up our path,
And pale cour­age fails us,
We tri­umph by faith.
He can­not take from us,
Though oft he has tried,
This heart cheer­ing pro­mise,
The Lord will pro­vide.

He tells us we’re weak, and
Our hope is in vain;
The good that we seek we
Will ne­ver ob­tain,
But when such sug­gest­ions
Our grac­es have tried,
This an­swers all quest­ions:
The Lord will pro­vide.

No strength of our own and
No good­ness we claim;
Yet, since we have known of
The Sav­ior’s great name,
In this our strong tow­er
For safe­ty we hide:
The Lord is our pow­er,
The Lord will pro­vide.

When life sinks apace, and
Our death is in view,
The word of His grace shall
Then com­fort us through,
Not fear­ing or doubt­ing,
With Christ on our side,
We hope to die shout­ing,
The Lord will pro­vide.

The Sacrifice of Isaac
Lodovico Cigoli (1559–1613)