Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Words: Os­good E. Full­er, in The Ep­worth Hym­nal (New York: Hunt & Ea­ton, 1885), pag­es 42–43.

Music: Ar­ranged by L. H. Tho­mas (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Tho­mas’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Full­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


This is the win­ter morn,
Our Sav­ior, Christ, was born,
Who left the realms of end­less day,
To take our sins away.
Have ye no car­ol for the Lord,
To spread His love, His love abroad?
Have ye no car­ol for the Lord,
To spread His love, His love abroad?
Hosanna! from all our hearts we raise,
Hosanna! Ho­san­na!
And make our lives His praise.

Ring, ring, O hap­py bells!
A bless­èd an­gel tells
The sto­ry of His hum­ble birth,
Who came this day to earth.
Have ye no car­ol for the Lord,
To spread His love, His love abroad?
Have ye no car­ol for the Lord,
To spread His love, His love abroad?
Hosanna! from all our hearts we pour,
Hosanna! Ho­san­na!
And bless Him ev­er­more.

The shep­herds vi­gil keep
And watch by night their sheep;
Upon the plains of Beth­le­hem
What glo­ry comes to them!
Have ye from Heav’n no glo­ry felt,
Who all, who all in pray­er have knelt?
Have ye from Heav’n no glo­ry felt,
Who all, who all in pray­er have knelt?
Hosanna! in all our hearts is light,
Hosanna! Ho­san­na!
God’s wor­ship is delight.

All in the low­ly place
They find the roy­al grace,
And lo! they fall a-wor­ship­ing
Before the new­born King.
Have ye no wor­ship for the Lord,
To give, to give with one ac­cord?
Have ye no wor­ship for the Lord,
To give, to give with one ac­cord?
Hosanna! in all our hearts we bring,
Hosanna! Ho­san­na!
Our lives our of­fer­ing.

Their grate­ful hearts are full
Of things most beau­ti­ful;
And lo! the won­der of the Lord
They straight­way spread abroad.
Have ye no beau­ty of the Christ
Whose love, whose love has long suf­ficed?
Have ye no beau­ty of the Christ
Whose love, whose love has long suf­ficed?
Hosanna! from all our hearts we raise,
Hosanna! Ho­san­na!
And car­ry hence His praise.