Scripture Verse

A day in Thy courts is better than a thousand. Psalm 84:10


Ray Palmer (1808–1887)

Words: Ray Pal­mer, 1834. Pub­lished in The Po­eti­cal Works of Ray Pal­mer (Lon­don: R. D. Dick­in­son, 1876), page 53.

Music: St. An­selm Jo­seph Barn­by, Orig­in­al Tunes 1869 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


Thine ho­ly day’s re­turn­ing
Our hearts ex­ult to see,
And, with de­vo­tion burn­ing,
Ascend, our God, to Thee.

Today, with pur­est plea­sure,
Our thoughts from earth with­draw;
We search for sac­red trea­sure,
We learn Thy ho­ly law.

We join to sing Thy prais­es,
God of the Sab­bath day!
Each voice in glad­ness rais­es,
Its loud­est, sweet­est lay.

Thy rich­est mer­cies shar­ing,
O fill us with Thy love!
By grace our souls pre­par­ing
For nob­ler praise above.