Scripture Verse

It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35


Words: Vers­es 1–2 pos­si­bly by Ri­chard Glo­ver, vi­car of St. Luke’s, West Hol­lo­way, Lon­don, 1889, alt. Verse 3 by Lu­la K. Zahn, in Great Songs of the Church, ed­it­ed by El­mer L. Jor­gen­son (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tuc­ky: Word and Work, 1921), num­ber 327. The words com­pare two lakes in the Mid­east: the Sea of Ga­li­lee and the Dead Sea.

Music: I See Thee Stand­ing, ano­ny­mous (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Zahn (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

The Dead Sea
Israel Tourism (resized)
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There is a sea which day by day
Receives the rip­pling rills;
And streams that spring from wells of God,
Or fall from ce­dared hills.
But what it thus re­ceives, it gives
With glad, un­spar­ing hand;
A stream more wide, with deep­er tide,
Flows on to low­er land.

There is a sea which day by day
Receives a full­er tide;
But all its store it keeps, nor gives
To shore nor sea be­side.
It’s Jord­an’s stream, now turned to brine,
Like heavy, molt­en lead;
Its dread­ful name doth e’er pro­claim,
That sea is waste and dead.

Which shall it be for you and me
Who God’s good gifts ob­tain?
Shall we ac­cept for self alone,
Or take, to give again?
For He who once was rich in­deed
Laid all His glo­ry down;
That by His grace our ran­somed race
Should share His wealth and crown.