Whoever serves Me must follow Me.
John 12:26
Words: Fanny Crosby, in The New Make Christ King, edited by Edwin O. Excell (Chicago, Illinois: Glad Tidings Publishing, 1914), number 143.
Music: Bentley D. Ackley (🔊 pdf nwc).
Whithersoever Thou goest
Let me Thy footsteps attend;
Jesus, my wonderful Savior,
Loving Redeemer and friend.
There would I be, there would I be,
Thou who hast labored and sorrowed for me;
Whithersoever Thou goest,
There will I follow Thee.
Over the snow covered mountain,
Out on the wild desert track,
Seeking to rescue the lost ones,
Tenderly calling them back.
Telling of hope to the friendless,
Cheering the homes where they dwell;
Going with light and salvation
Into the dark prison cell.
Giving relief to the stranger,
Plodding his journey alone;
Sharing the trials of others,
Patiently bearing my own.