Scripture Verse

Go work today in My vineyard. Matthew 21:28


Words: Har­ry D. Loes, 1924.

Music: Raj­kot Har­ry D. Loes, 1924 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Harry D. Loes


In the ranks of Chris­tian work­ers,
There are plac­es yet to fill;
Jesus calls for faith­ful toil­ers,
With a loy­al heart and will.


There’s a place for ev­ery­one
In the ser­vice of the King;
There is work that must be done
If Christ to all we bring;
Be your tal­ents one or ten,
Keep a heart that’s brave and true;
There’s a place for ev­ery­one,
There’s a place for you.

Not a mo­ment should be wast­ed,
Souls are dy­ing ev­ery­where;
Go and tell them of the Sav­ior,
Ere they per­ish in des­pair.


Though you feel so weak, un­wor­thy,
God will give sus­tain­ing grace;
Be no more an idle watch­er,
To the work, O find your place.