Scripture Verse

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105


John S. Fearis (1867–1932)

Words: Jes­sie B. Pounds, 1898.

Music: John S. Fear­is (🔊 pdf nwc).

Jessie Pounds (1861–1921)


Though sha­dows may co­ver the face of the day,
Though steep be the path that you climb,
You ne­ver need stum­ble, you ne­ver need stray,
There’s light for a step at a time.


There’s light for each step of the way,
There’s light for a step at a time;
You ne­ver need stum­ble, you ne­ver need stray,
There’s light for a step at a time.

Though mists on the edge of the marsh­lands lie low,
Though nar­row the path that is sure;
Still light for a step will be yours if you go
With tread that is firm and se­cure.


When into the val­ley the path­way shall lead,
Where darkly the Death-Ri­ver rolls,
There still shall be light in your ut­ter­most need,
To guide to the man­sion of souls.
