The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe.
John 19:35
Words: D. B. Watkins, in The Great Awakening, by Samuel P. Jones (Cincinnati, Ohio: John Church, 1886).
Music: Edwin O. Excell (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know Watkins’ full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
There’s a wonderful story
I’ve heard long ago,
’Tis called the sweet story of old
I hear it so often, wherever I go,
That same old story was told;
And I’ve thought it was strange
That so often they’d tell
That story as if it were new;
But I’ve found out the reason
They loved it so well,
That old, old story is true.
That old, old story is true,
That old, old story is true;
But I’ve found out the reason
They loved it so well,
That old, old story is true.
They told me of a being so lovely and pure,
That came to the earth to dwell,
To seek for His lost ones,
And make them secure,
From death and the power of hell;
That He was despised
And with thorns He was crowned,
On the cross was extended to view;
But oh, what sweet peace
In my heart since I’ve found
That old, old story is true.
That old, old story is true,
That old, old story is true;
But oh, what sweet peace
In my heart since I’ve found
That old, old story is true.
He arose and ascended
To Heaven, we’re told,
Triumphant o’er death and hell;
He’s preparing a place
In that city of gold,
Where loved ones forever may dwell.
Where our kindred we’ll meet,
And we’ll never more part,
And oh, while I tell it to you,
It is peace to my soul,
It is joy to my heart,
That old, old story is true.
That old, old story is true,
That old, old story is true;
It is peace to my soul,
It is joy to my heart,
That old, old story is true.
Oh, that wonderful story
I love to repeat,
Of peace and goodwill to men;
There’s no story to me
That is half so sweet,
As I hear it again and again.
He invites you to come—
He will freely receive,
And this message He sendeth to you,
There’s a mansion in glory
For all who believe,
That old, old story is true.
That old, old story is true,
That old, old story is true;
There’s a mansion in glory
For all who believe,
That old, old story is true.