Scripture Verse

A thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Psalm 90:4


John Chadwick

Words: John W. Chad­wick (1840–1904).

Music: Ware­ham Will­iam Knapp, 1738 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten,

William Knapp (1698–1768)


Thou glo­ri­ous God, be­fore whose face
The ge­ne­ra­tions pass away,
As, to our eyes, the ten­der grace
And mar­vel of each shin­ing day!

We thank Thee for the joy sub­lime
Of years so ra­di­ant with Thy pow­er
That all the best of end­less time
Seems grant­ed to the fleet­ing hour.

We praise Thee for the sur­er right,
The clear­er mes­sage from above,
The length­en­ing day, the shor­ten­ing night,
The wis­er min­is­tries of love.

We bless Thee for the friends we miss,
Who made our peace, and stilled our pain;
We trust Thee on some height of bliss
To bring them close to us again.

We mag­ni­fy Thy ho­ly name;
And while in Thee our hearts re­joice,
Strong be our wills, through praise and blame,
To do the bid­ding of Thy voice.