Scripture Verse

Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee. Leviticus 25:10


Leander L. Pickett (1859–1928)

Words: Mar­tin W. Knapp, Bi­ble Songs of Sal­va­tion and Vic­to­ry (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: M. W. Knapp, 1902), num­ber 128.

Music: Hei­del­berg Le­an­der L. Pick­ett, 1897 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Martin W. Knapp (1853–1901)


Go and tell the joy­ful tid­ings,
Jesus died to save,
Rose again in ho­ly tri­umph,
Conquering the grave.
Tell His power to loose the cap­tive,
Set the pri­son­er free,
And pro­claim to ea­ger mill­ions
Glorious Ju­bi­lee.


Tell the tid­ings, speed the mes­sage,
Jesus died to save,
Rose again in migh­ty tri­umph,
Conquering the grave.

Tell them of the pro­mised Spir­it,
Falling from above,
Filling ev­ery true be­liev­er,
Perfecting in love.
Tell them of the King’s re­turn­ing:
Soon He’ll come again
And re­ceive His faith­ful peo­ple,
And for­ev­er reign.


Shout aloud the Gos­pel tid­ings,
Speed them on the way,
Earnestly pro­claim the mes­sage
Every pass­ing day.
Be a her­ald true and loy­al,
Waver not nor wait;
Keep not back a sin­gle warn­ing,
Soon ’twill be too late.
