Scripture Verse

Give Me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe My ways. Proverbs 23:26


Words: Da­ni­el T. Mac­Far­lan, in Win­nowed Hymns, ed­it­ed by Charles C. Mc­Cabe & Da­ni­el Mc­Far­lan (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main and Nel­son & Phil­lips, 1873), num­ber 85.

Music: Gra­mer­cy Park Da­ni­el T. Mac­Far­lan, 1873 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Mac­Far­lan’s full name,

Daniel T. MacFarlan (1828–1897)


Tell me, Je­sus, tell me now,
While to Thee I hum­bly bow,
Wilt Thou take this heart of mine,
And for­ev­er seal it Thine?
Wilt Thou come, and there abide,
While I see Thy op­ened side;
Pouring forth the streams of life,
Giving strength and end­ing strife?

If I yield my­self to Thee,
Wilt Thou come di­rect to me,
And with­in Thy lov­ing arms
Cause my heart to feel Thy charms?
Wilt Thou, oh, my pre­cious Lord,
Give me com­fort by Thy Word,
By Thy truth great joy im­part
To my poor and throb­bing heart?

Hark! I hear my Sav­ior say,
Come, My child, oh, come this way;
Take My hand and walk with Me
In the path I trod for thee;
Look by faith and see the blood
Sprinkled on the thor­ny road;
See, My child, each step I trod
Brings thee near­er to thy God.

Give thy heart, thy­self, to Me
Give whate’er I ask of thee;
Yield up all with­out re­straint,
Free from mur­mur or com­plaint;
Then I’ll take that heart of thine,
And with per­fect love di­vine,
Make it new and pure with­in,
Spotless from all in­bred sin.