Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee.
Mark 5:19
Words: Jessie B. Pounds, in Glory and Praise, edited by James H. Rosecrans & James Fillmore. (Cincinnati, Ohio: Fillmore Brothers, 1887), pages 58–59.
Music: James H. Fillmore, Sr. (🔊 pdf nwc).
If the name of the Savior
Is precious to you,
If His care has been constant
And tender and true,
If the light of His presence
Has brightened your way,
O will you not tell
Of your gladness today?
O will you not tell it today?
Will you not tell it today?
If the light of His presence
Has brightened your day
O will you not tell it today?
If your faith in the Savior
Has brought its reward,
If a strength you have found
In the strength of your Lord,
If the hope of a rest
In His palace is sweet,
O will you not, brother,
The story repeat?
If the souls all around you
Are living in sin,
If the Master has told you
To bid them come in,
If the sweet invitation
They never have heard,
O will you not tell them
The cheer bringing word?