Scripture Verse

Let the children come to Me…for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14


Words: Tran­slat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Er­nest E. Ry­den, 1928. Ap­peared in The Co­ve­nant Hym­nal, 10th ed­it­ion (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Co­ve­nant Book Concern, 1931), num­ber 389.

Music: Afu­la com­pos­er un­known, 1928 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the com­pos­er, the Swed­ish au­thor, or the orig­in­al Swed­ish ti­tle,

Ernest E. Ryden (1886–1981)


There are tre­asures for child­ren in Hea­ven above,
For the child­ren who trust in their Lord;
They shall dwell in the light of His fa­vor and love,
They shall praise Him with joy­ous accord.


There are trea­sures in Heav’n, there are trea­sures in Heav’n,
There are tre­asures for child­ren in Heav’n;
In the man­sions so bright, where the Lord is the light,
Shall the trea­sures to child­ren be giv’n.

They shall drink of the ri­ver that flows from the throne,
They shall feast with the ran­somed and blest;
They shall tell of His glo­ry who calls them His own
In that beau­ti­ful coun­try of rest.


They shall join in the an­thems of glo­ry and praise,
They shall sing with the an­gels so fair;
And no sor­row or sigh­ing shall hush their sweet lays,
When they meet their Re­deem­er up there.
