Scripture Verse

I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12


Words: Charles H. Ro­ming­er, 1911.

Music: Ro­ming­er T. Stan­ley Skin­ner, 1911 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ro­ming­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

T. Stanley Skinner (1882–1959)

Origin of the Hymn

Rominger, who has a large Mo­ra­vi­an Sun­day School in Beth­le­hem [Penn­syl­van­ia], wrote our hymn Thou art, O Christ, the light and life dur­ing his sen­ior year in the theo­lo­gic­al se­mi­na­ry, af­ter two years of se­ri­ous con­flict with doubt in its va­ri­ous phas­es and forms.

His teach­ers were so firm­ly ground­ed in their own faith that he felt they were of lit­tle as­sist­ance to him. He was, there­fore, com­pelled to fight his own bat­tles back to vi­sion and as­sur­ance.

This hymn is a pray­er of thanks­giv­ing af­ter he real­ized that through all of his wan­der­ings there had been a guid­ing and sus­tain­ing hand.

Carl Fow­ler Price
The Chris­tian Ad­vo­cate
November 28, 1912


Thou art, O Christ, the light and life
Of all my soul’s as­pir­ing hope,
Without that life in dai­ly strife
I could not dare with sin to cope.

I have not strength to stand alone,
When storms of doubt and fears as­sail;
But Thou, yea, Thou, and Thou alone
Must o’er my doubts and fears pre­vail.

I have not cour­age to re­sist,
When Sa­tan’s hosts at­tack me sore;
I must on Thee alone sub­sist,
Till sin and sor­row reign no more.

And when, in that bright realm above,
I see Thee ev­er face to face,
I’ll breathe the frag­rance of Thy love,
I’ll sing the won­der of Thy grace.