Scripture Verse

The Lord thy God is among you, a mighty God. Deuteronomy 7:21


Words: Emi­ly S. Per­kins, 1921.

Music: Burg, Emi­ly S. Per­kins, 1921 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Emily S. Perkins (1866–1941)


Thou art, O God, the God of might;
Thy pow­er is ne­ver fail­ing;
Thou safe­ly lead­est in the fight,
’Gainst ev­ery foe pre­vail­ing.

Thou art, O God, the God of truth;
Thy Word re­mains un­shak­en;
Thy jus­tice and Thy righ­teous­ness
Have ev­ery strong­hold tak­en.

Thou art, O God, the God of love;
Thy mer­cy is un­end­ing;
Thou guard­est us with ten­der care,
Each day our souls de­fend­ing.

Thou art, O God, the God of grace;
Though sin our hearts hath har­dened,
Thy grace can wash away the stain,
And Hea­ven re­ceive us par­doned.