Scripture Verse

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles. Isaiah 40:31


Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)

Words: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, in Hymns of the Heart, by Jo­seph F. Ber­ry & Charles Ga­bri­el (New York: Me­tho­dist Book Con­cern, 1914), num­ber 4.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of He­witt,

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


Take wings to thy soul; take the pin­ions of pray­er
To rise above tri­als, temp­ta­tions and care;
New mea­sures of bless­ing so trust­ful­ly bring,
And hold sweet com­mun­ion with Je­sus, thy king.


Take wings, bright wings;
Take wings to the soul, O, be­liev­er, to­day!
Take wings, bright wings;
Mount up as the ea­gle, re­joice in thy way.

Take wings to thy soul; take the pin­ions of praise;
Arise, like the lark, in the pure morn­ing rays;
With car­ols of glad­ness as fresh as the dew,
Give thanks for His mer­cies, abun­dant and true.


Take wings to thy soul; take the pin­ions of love,
All faith­ful­ly serv­ing the Mas­ter above;
O, haste to the needy with tid­ings of cheer;
Spread heav­en­ly sun­shine where path­ways are drear.
