Scripture Verse

And, behold, there came a voice unto him. 1 Kings 19:13


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Roy­al Dia­dem, by How­ard Doane & Ro­bert Low­ry (New York: Big­low & Main, 1873), pag­es 4–5. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as J. C. F. (Fan­ny’s ini­tials, re­versed).

Music: W. How­ard Doane (🔊 pdf nwc).

Howard Doane (1832–1915)


When the ros­es of youth all their beau­ty dis­play,
And the world seems as bright as a glad sum­mer day,
When our hearts are as hap­py as hap­py can be,
There’s a sweet voice that whis­pers,
O come un­to Me.


Softly and low, soft­ly and low,
Telling of rest in its love-breath­ing tones;
Softly and low, soft­ly and low,
Savior, dear Sav­ior, that voice is Thine own.

When we ga­ther with friends in the tem­ple of pray­er,
And the eye of our Fa­ther looks down on us there;
When we min­gle our voic­es with hearts glad and free,
Still the call is re­peat­ed,
O come un­to Me.


Let us come in our youth, and as long as we live,
Our af­fect­ion, our wor­ship, to Je­sus we’ll give;
Then, what­ev­er our tri­als or con­flicts may be,
Still that sweet voice will whis­per,
O come un­to Me.


When the spring­time is over, and sum­mer is past,
When the snow­flakes around us are fall­ing at last,
To the spir­it how joy­ful the mes­sage will be!
Come and rest you for­ev­er
In glo­ry with Me.
