The Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
Exodus 20:10
Words: James Edmeston, The Cottage Minstrel (London: F. Westley, 1821), number 10.
Music: Minton, anonymous, in The Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book, edited by Lowell Mason, Edwards A. Park & Austin Phelps (New York: Mason Brothers, 1859), page 289 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Sweet is the light of Sabbath eve,
And soft the sunbeam lingering there;
Those sacred hours this low earth leave,
Wafted on wings of praise and prayer.
This time, how lovely and how still!
Peace shines and smiles on all below;
The plain, the stream, the wood, the hill,
All fair with evening’s setting glow!
Season of rest—the tranquil soul
Feels thy sweet calm, and melts in love;
And while these sacred moments roll,
Faith sees a smiling Heav’n above.
How short the time, how soon the sun
Sets, and dark night resumes her reign;
And soon the hours of rest are done,
Then morrow brings the world again.
Yet will our journey not be long,
Our pilgrimage will soon be trod;
And we shall join the ceaseless song,
The endless Sabbath of our God.