The bright and morning star.
Revelation 22:16
Words: Gertrude T. Clark, in Epworth Songs, edited by Joseph F. Berry & Charles H. Gabriel (New York; Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois; & St. Louis, Missouri: Hunt & Eaton and Cranston & Curts, 1893), number 5.
Music: William A. Ogden (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Clark (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), or a better one of Ogden,
Fierce is the tempest, loud is its roar,
Storm-tossed the mariner, far from the shore;
See! what is putting the darkness to flight?
Jesus, the Morning Star! steer t’ward the Light!
Brightly it gleams, and its pure silver beams
Scatter the gloom of the night,
Tho’ the storms ’round thee rave,
He is mighty to save,
Then, mariner, steer t’ward the Light.
Storms cannot hide it, years cannot fade;
Firm its foundation is, be not afraid;
Heav’n’s ample harbor shall soon greet thy sight,
Watch for the dawn of day, steer t’ward the Light!
When wild the tempest round thee is hurled,
Look unto Jesus, the hope of the world!
Bright shall the day be that follows the night,
Courage, then, mariner, steer t’ward the Light!