Scripture Verse

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35


Robert Grant (1780–1838)
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Words: Ro­bert Grant (1770–1838). Ap­peared in Sac­red Po­ems, pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly by his bro­ther, Lord Glen­elg, in 1839: This is in­tend­ed as a se­quel or coun­ter­part to the well known hymn, The spa­cious fir­ma­ment; and cor­re­sponds to the lat­ter por­tion of the 19th Psalm, as that hymn does to the for­mer.

Music: Re­demp­tion Ground James Mc­Gra­na­han, 1879 (🔊 pdf nwc).

James McGranahan



The star­ry fir­ma­ment on high,
And all the glo­ries of the sky,
Yet shine not to Thy praise, O Lord,
So bright­ly as Thy writ­ten word.
The hopes that ho­ly word sup­plies,
Its truths di­vine and pre­cepts wise—
In each a heav’n­ly beam I see,
And ev­ery beam con­ducts to Thee.

When, taught by pain­ful proof to know
That all is va­ni­ty below,
The sin­ner roams from com­fort far,
And looks in vain for sun or star,
Soft gleam­ing then those lights di­vine
Through all the cheer­less dark­ness shine,
And sweet­ly to his rav­ished eye
Disclose the day-spring from on high.

The heart in sen­su­al fet­ters bound,
And barren as the win­try ground,
Confesses, Lord, thy quick­en­ing ray—
Thy word can charm the spell away,
With ge­ni­al influence can be­guile
The froz­en wil­der­ness to smile;
Bid liv­ing waters o’er it flow,
And all be pa­ra­dise bel­ow.

Almighty Lord! the sun shall fail,
The moon for­get her night­ly tale,
And deep­est si­lence hush on high,
The ra­di­ant chor­us of the sky.
But, fixed, for ev­er­last­ing years,
Unmoved amid the wreck of spheres,
Thy word shall shine in cloud­less day,
When Heav’n and earth have passed away.