Scripture Verse

His windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed. Daniel 6:10


Thoro Harris (1874–1955)

Words: Al­ice J. Clea­tor, in Spi­ri­tu­al Songs, ed­it­ed by John M. Har­ris et al. (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Chris­tian Wit­ness Com­pa­ny, cir­ca 1908, num­ber 103.

Music: Tho­ro Har­ris (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel’s Answer to the King
Thomas Agnew & Sons, 1892
Wikimedia Commons


See the cap­tive Da­ni­el
Kneeling at his pray­er,
Fearless of the king’s de­cree;
True to God and con­science,
Strong to do and dare,
Heeding not the tempt­er’s plea.


Trusting in His might,
Stand for God and right,
Fearless of the world’s de­cree;
Be loyal and true, in what­ev­er you do,
In the ser­vice of the Lord be free!

Death and tor­ture threat­ened
In the li­on’s den,
All who dared to of­fer pray­er;
’Twas a heath­en man­date
Governed con­science then—
Daniel stood, a he­ro there!


’Mid the roar­ing li­ons
Daniel stood se­rene,
For the King of kings was there;
Thus the great De­liv’rer
Watches near, un­seen,
All who brav­ely do and dare.


By the pro­phet’s side God’s
Angel stayed that night—
Never did he flinch or yield;
Thus this daunt­less hero,
True to God and right,
Did a ho­ly in­flu­ence wield.
