Scripture Verse

Do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31


Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: Ada J. Blenk­horn, 1896.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ada J. Blenkhorn (1858–1927)


Sing a song of Je­sus,
Happy be the strain,
Till the har­mo­nies of Hea­ven
Fill the earth again.
Sing a song for Je­sus,
Happy, hap­py be the strain,
Till the har­mo­nies of Hea­ven
Fill the earth again.

Speak a word for Je­sus,
Scatter pre­cious seed,
It may some poor wan­der­er
To the Sav­ior lead.
Speak a word for Je­sus,
Scatter, scat­ter pre­cious seed,
It may some poor wan­der­er
To the Sav­ior lead.

Say a pray­er to Je­sus,
He will al­ways hear;
To each prec­ious blood-bought soul,
He is ev­er near.
Say a prayer to Je­sus,
He will al­ways, al­ways hear,
To each pre­cious blood-bought soul,
He is ev­er near.

Singing, speak­ing, pray­ing,
For the Lord of love,
Till He comes to take you home
To His Heav’n above.
Singing, speak­ing, pray­ing,
For the Lord, the Lord of love,
Till He comes to take you home
To His Heav’n above.