Scripture Verse

Hosanna to the Son of David. Matthew 21:9


Words: Jo­seph An­stice, 1836, alt.

Music: Vic­tor Fu­ner­is Da­vid D. Wood, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of An­stice (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

David D. Wood (1838–1910)



Christ said to Martha by her brother’s grave,
I am the resurrection and the life—
And with what troubled thoughts her mind was rife!
The life, He said, and yet He freely gave
His life, and saving others could not save
Himself. The resurrection? Chuza’s wife
Had seen Him in the tomb—at end was strife,
And o’er her anguish swept, a mighty wave.
And yet her firm assurance kept her faith,
And her reply, the fervent I believe—
Had not His voice raised Lazarus from death,
Had not the grave released its four days’ prey?
A foretaste of the resurrection day
She had to bid her wait, and not to grieve.

Caroline Hazard (1856–1945)


The Son of David bowed to die,
For man’s trans­gress­ion strick­en;
The Fa­ther’s arm of pow­er was nigh,
The Son of God to quick­en.
Praise Him that He died for men:
Praise Him that He rose again.

Death seemed all con­quer­ing when he bound
The Lord of life in pri­son;
The sight of death was no­where found
When Christ again was ris­en;
Wherefore praise Him night and day,
Him who took death’s sting away.

His saints with Him must bow to death,
With Him are raised in spir­it,
With Him they dwell above by faith,
Accepted through His mer­it:
Heaven and earth re­sound the strain,
Death by Je­sus Christ is slain.