Scripture Verse

Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15


Carrie E. Breck (1855–1934)

Words: Car­rie E. Breck, 1916.

Music: Ed­win O. Ex­cell (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edwin O. Excell (1851–1921)


How ma­ny are lost in the dark­ness,
With spir­its whose sor­row o’er­flows;
They know not of Christ or sal­va­tion,
Ah! some one must tell them who knows.


Some one must tell them who knows
The mer­cy that Je­sus be­stows:
Oh, let the light shine,
Tell the mes­sage di­vine,
For some one must tell them who knows.

Go forth to the needy and love them
With some­thing of Je­sus’ own love,
And win them to share in His king­dom
Of glad­ness and glo­ry above.


They’re wait­ing, per­haps for your com­ing;
You sure­ly will hast­en to go,
And teach them of life ev­er­last­ing,
The won­der­ful Go­spel you know.


Wherever are sin­ners around you,
By woe or temp­ta­tion o’er­thrown,
Oh, bid them take free­ly God’s bless­ing,
Make Je­sus the Com­fort­er known.
