Scripture Verse

As Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:40


Words: Isa­bel­la J. Post­gate, A Christ­mas Le­gend, and Oth­er Vers­es (Lon­don: Simp­kin, Mar­shall, 1889), num­ber 10, alt. The Shadow of Death Till the Morn.

Music: Ma­no­ah ar­ranged from Giao­chi­no A. Ros­si­ni in Col­lect­ion of Church Mu­sic, by Hen­ry W. Great­or­ex, 1851 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Post­gate (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Gioachino A. Rossini


The Shadow of Death
William Holman Hunt, ca. 1872

All day the Shep­herd sought the sheep,
And called them home to rest;
His pierc­èd head now pil­lowed lies
On earth’s green, gen­tle breast.

At least, she loved Him as her child,
And did her mak­er hail;
For in His hour of ang­uished pain
Her ve­ry sun grew pale.

He trod her thor­ni­est, drea­ry ways,
With foot­prints traced in blood;
He knew the guer­don wait­ing Him—
The nails and cross of wood!

To see God thus, the ho­ly ones
In low­ly rev­er­ence bow;
But His own breth­ren mark­èd not
The glo­ry round His brow.

He bears long years of toil and pain,
And pays for them the price;
He pours at last His life blood out
To crown the sac­ri­fice.

Now for a space the earth He made
Holds Him in her em­brace;
While soft white wings of an­gels round
Guard well the ho­ly place.

Soon will He wak­en. Night speeds fast,
The gold­en day is near;
The east­ern sky is glow­ing now
And signs of dawn ap­pear!

A ray of Hea­ven’s glo­ry bright
Pierces death’s dark, an­cient pri­son;
The an­gels fold their pin­ions now
And whis­per, He is ris’n.