
Scripture Verse

I will behold Thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness. Psalm 17:15


Words & Mu­sic: Phil­ip H. Wool­sey, Pre­cious Gems No. 1 (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Will­iam A. Pond, 1881), num­ber 12 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wool­sey (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els)


Singing of Je­sus, the Babe in the man­ger;
Singing of Je­sus, to me once a stran­ger;
Singing of Je­sus, the meek, lowly Teach­er;
Trying to serve Him awhile here be­low.
Singing of Je­sus, my shep­herd and guide;
Singing of Je­sus, in whom I con­fide;
Singing of Je­sus, and tell­ing to oth­ers
What a dear Sav­ior in Je­sus I find.


Oh, when shall I see Him in glo­ry,
In glo­ry, in glo­ry?
Oh, when shall I see Him in glo­ry,
Where part­ing will ne­ver be?

Singing of Je­sus, my shield from all dan­ger;
Singing of Je­sus, my bless­èd Re­deem­er;
Singing of Je­sus, the lov­ing One call­ing
After the lost ones as­tray from the fold.
Singing of Je­sus by day and by night;
Singing of Je­sus in weak­ness or might;
Singing of Je­sus, who, more than all oth­ers,
Cares for His flock, and will bring them safe home.


Singing of Je­sus, the King of high Hea­ven,
Singing of Je­sus, the Light of that king­dom;
Singing of Je­sus, the Friend of all sin­ners,
Trying to tell of His love in my song.
Singing of Je­sus, my true and tried friend;
Singing of Je­sus till this life shall end;
Singing of Je­sus, in Hea­ven with an­gels,
Ever to sing of His won­der­ful love.

Oh then I’ll be with Him in glo­ry,
In glo­ry, in glo­ry,
Oh then I’ll be with Him in glo­ry,
Where parting will ne­ver be.