My servants shall sing for joy of heart.
Isaiah 65:14
Words: Philip P. Bliss, 1875.
Music: San Fermín Philip P. Bliss, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Sing, my soul, from bondage free;
Israel’s God thy God will be.
In the dark and foamy sea,
Pharaoh’s host shall buried be.
Sing, my soul, from bondage free;
Israel’s God thy God will be.
Sweets of sin
—delusive dream!
Burning thirst and poisonous stream.
Fount of Life, Thy streams outpour,
Let me drink and thirst no more.
Fainting on the desert way,
For my daily bread
I pray;
Bread of Life, Thy life I need,
Let me ever on Thee feed.