Scripture Verse

Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: W. M. (not fur­ther iden­ti­fi­ed), in Re­vi­val Hymns, ed­it­ed by James Thomp­son (Na­pa­nee, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da: Hen­ry & Bro­thers, 1860).

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).


When we hear the mu­sic ring­ing
In the bright ce­les­ti­al dome,
When sweet an­gel voices sing­ing
Gladly bid us wel­come home,
To the land of an­cient story,
Where the spir­it knows no care,
In that land of light and glo­ry,
Shall we know each oth­er there?


Shall we know each oth­er?
Shall we know each oth­er?
Shall we know each oth­er?
Shall we know each oth­er there?

When the ho­ly an­gels meet us,
As we go to join their band;
Shall we know the friends that greet us,
In the glo­ri­ous spir­it land?
Shall we see the same eyes shin­ing,
On us, as in days of yore?
Shall we feel their dear arms twin­ing
Fondly round us, as be­fore?


Yes, my earth-worn soul re­joic­es,
And my wea­ry heart grows light,
For the thrill­ing an­gel voices,
And the an­gel fac­es bright:
That shall wel­come us in Heav­en,
Are the loved of long ago,
And to them ’tis kind­ly giv­en,
Thus their mor­tal friends to know.


Oh! ye wea­ry sad, and tossed ones,
Droop not, faint not, by the way;
Ye shall join the loved and just ones
In the land of per­fect day!
Harp-strings touched by an­gel fingers,
Murmured in my rap­tured ear,
Evermore their sweet song lin­gers,
We shall know each oth­er there!

We shall know each oth­er,
We shall know each oth­er,
We shall know each oth­er,
We shall know each oth­er there.