Scripture Verse

All the prophets…have likewise foretold. Acts 3:24


Richard Mant (1776–1848)

Words: Ve­nan­ti­us For­tu­na­tus, 569. Pa­ra­phrased by Ri­chard Mant, 1837.

Music: Hal­le The Psalm­ist, 1830 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255–1319)


See the des­tined day arise!
See a will­ing sac­ri­fice!
Jesus, to re­deem our loss,
Hangs upon the shame­ful cross.

Jesus, who but Thou had borne,
Lifted on that tree of scorn,
Every pang and bit­ter throe,
Finishing Thy life of woe?

Who but Thou had dared to drain,
Steeped in gall, the cup of pain,
And with ten­der bo­dy bear
Thorns, and nails, and pierc­ing spear?

Thence the cleans­ing wa­ter flowed,
Mingled from Thy side with blood;
Sign to all at­test­ing eyes
Of the fin­ished sac­ri­fice.

Holy Je­sus, grant us peace
In that sac­ri­fice to place
All our trust for life re­newed,
Pardoned sin and pro­mised good.

Grant us grace to sing to Thee,
In the Tri­nal Uni­ty,
Ever with the sons of light,
Blessing, hon­or, glo­ry, might.