Scripture Verse

Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? Isaiah 63:1


Words: Ed­ward Mon­ro & Mrs. M. Dear­mer, in The Eng­lish Hym­nal (Lon­don: Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1906). This ver­sion is a re­cast of Mon­ro’s In His Own Rai­ment Clad, in A Sup­ple­ment to Hymns Used in the Church of St. John the Ev­an­gel­ist, Leeds (Leeds, Eng­land: E. W. Sharp, 1864).

Music: Bridg­wa­ter, adapt­ed from an Eng­lish tra­di­tion­al tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Langport Eng­lish tra­di­tion­al tune (🔊 pdf nwc)

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mon­ro or Dear­mer (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


See Him in rai­ment rent,
With His blood dyed:
Women walk sor­row­ing,
By His side.

Heavy that cross to Him,
Weary the weight:
One who will help Him stands
At the gate.

Multitudes hur­ry­ing
Pass on the road:
Simon is shar­ing with
Him the load.

Who is this tra­vel­ing
With the curst tree—
This wea­ry pri­son­er—
Who is He?

Follow to Cal­va­ry,
Tread where He trod:
This is the Lord of life—
Son of God.

Is there no love­li­ness—
You who pass by—
In that lone fi­gure which
Marks the sky?

You who would love Him, stand,
Gaze at His face;
Tarry awhile in your
Worldly race.

As the swift mo­ments fly
Through the blest week,
Jesus, in pe­ni­tence,
Let us seek.

On the cross lift­ed up,
Thy face I scan,
Scarred by that ago­ny—
Son of Man.

Thorns form Thy dia­dem,
Rough wood Thy throne,
To Thee Thy out­stretched arms
Draw Thine own.

Nails hold Thy hands and feet,
While on Thy breast
Sinketh Thy bleed­ing head
Sore op­pressed.

Loud is Thy bit­ter cry,
Rending the night,
As to Thy dark­ened eyes
Fails the light.

Shadows of mid­night fall,
Though it is day;
Friends and dis­ci­ples stand
Far away.

Loud scoffs the dy­ing thief,
Mocking Thy woe;
Can this my Sav­ior be
Brought so low?

Yes, see the ti­tle clear,
Written above,
Jesus of Na­za­reth,
Name of love!

What, O my Sav­ior dear,
What didst Thou see,
That made Thee suf­fer and
Die for me?

Child of My grief and pain!
From realms above,
I came to lead thee to
Life and love.

For thee My blood I shed,
For thee I died;
Safe in thy faith­fu­lness
Now abide.

I saw thee wan­der­ing,
Weak and at strife;
I am the way for thee,
Truth and life.

Follow My path of pain,
Tread where I trod:
This is the way of peace
Up to God.

O I will follow Thee,
Star of my soul!
Through the great dark I press
To the goal.

Yes, let me know Thy grief,
Carry Thy cross,
Share in Thy sac­ri­fice,
Gain Thy loss.

Daily I’ll prove my love,
Through joy and woe;
Where Thy hands point the way,
There I go.

Lead me on year by year,
Safe to the end,
Jesus, my Lord, my life,
King and friend.