Scripture Verse

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Romans 8:35


Frederick M. Lehman (1868–1953)

Words & Mu­sic: Fred­er­ick M. Leh­man, 1919 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Central’s ne­ver bu­sy,
Always on the line;
You may hear from Hea­ven
Almost any time;
’Tis a roy­al ser­vice,
Free for one and all;
When you get in trou­ble,
Give this roy­al line a call.


Telephone to glo­ry,
O what joy di­vine!
I can feel the cur­rent
Moving on the line,
Built by God the Fa­ther
For His loved and own,
We may talk to Je­sus
Thru this roy­al te­l­ephone.

There will be no charg­es,
Telephone is free,
It was built for ser­vice,
Just for you and me;
There will be no wait­ing
On this roy­al line,
Telephone to glo­ry
Always an­swers just in time.


Fail to get the an­swer?
Satan’s crossed your wire,
By some strong de­lu­sion,
Or some base de­sire;
Take away ob­struct­ions,
God is on the throne,
And you’ll get your an­swer
Thru this roy­al te­le­phone.


If your line is ground­ed,
And con­nect­ion true
Has been lost with Je­sus,
Tell you what to do:
Prayer and faith and pro­mise,
Mend the brok­en wire,
’Till your soul is burn­ing
With the Pen­te­cost­al fire.


Carnal com­bi­n­ations
Cannot get con­trol
Of this line to glo­ry,
Anchored in the soul;
Storm and trial can­not
Disconnect the line,
Held in con­stant keep­ing
By the Fa­ther’s hand di­vine.
