Scripture Verse

I the Lord do not change. Malachi 3:6


Julian K. Smyth

Words: Frank Sew­all, in The New Ho­san­na (New York: New Church Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1902).

Music: Vig­lia Ju­li­an K. Smyth (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frank Sewall (1837–1915)


Roll out, O song to God!
Move on, ye throngs of men!
Chances and chang­es come and go;
God chang­eth not! Amen.
And on the throngs of men,
On wor­rying care and strife,
Sinks down, as if from an­gel tongues,
The word of hope and life.

Down in the dark­some ways
And wor­rying whirl of life
Sinks, like a strain of ves­per song,
The thought of His great strife;
Who, of the vir­gin born,
Made all our chains His own,
And broke them with His own right arm,
Nor left us more alone.

Amid the weak, One strong,
Amid the false, One true,
Amid all change, One chang­ing not,
One hope we ne’er shall rue.
In whose sight all is now,
In whose love all is best:
The things of this world pass away,
Come, let us in Him rest.