Scripture Verse

God Himself is with us for our captain. 2 Chronicles 13:12


Words: H. C. Woods, 1901. Ap­peared in Price­less Pearls, ed­it­ed by Cur­tis V. Strick­land (Hunt­ing­ton, In­di­ana: C. V. Strick­land & Son, 1904).

Music: R. Hayes Will­is (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Woods’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Will­is,


Hear the order of the Cap­tain call­ing,
Time will soon be o’er,
Many sol­diers He must have
From far and near;
There are souls in sin and dark­ness,
And for them the cross He bore;
Come, my com­rade, now fall in
And an­swer Here!


Volunteer, vol­un­teer, an­swer,
Here! here! here!
Quickly speak loud and clear,
I am here! here! here!
’Tis the Cap­tain’s great com­mand,
Quickly step and ral­ly near,
For the bat­tle rag­es ov­er all the land.

See the ea­ger hosts of Sa­tan
Gath’ring round on ev­ery hand;
For our sons and daugh­ters
They are fierce and strong;
To the cen­ter, ral­ly! ral­ly!
Hear the voice of Christ’s com­mand,
Answer Here! and vol­un­teer
To fight the wrong.


When we meet for co­ro­na­tion
Of the faith­ful ov­er there,
Shall the Sav­ior, sitt­ing on
His judg­ment throne,
Say, I know you not, de­sert­er,
You are not a right­ful heir,
For My lost and hun­gry ones
You left alone.


Time for shout­ing and re­joic­ing
When the vic­to­ry is won,
When God’s ris­en saints are
Waiting in the air,
But the time is now for act­ion,
And hard fight­ing must be done,
Ere the roll is called up yon­der,
Over there.
