Scripture Verse

The rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Psalm 62:7


Harriet Jones (1823–1915)

Words: Har­ri­et E. Jones, in Car­ol Crown, by James Vaugh­an et al. (Law­rence­burg, Ten­nes­see: James D. Vaugh­an, 1915), num­ber 100.

Music: Phnom Penh James D. Vaugh­an (🔊 pdf nwc).

James Vaughan


There stands a Rock amid the waves,
O ma­rin­er, be not af­raid;
When surg­es roll He sweet­ly saves:
In His dear name, be not afraid.


There is a Rock amid the waves,
A migh­ty Rock amid the waves;
O, hal­le­lu­jah, how He saves,
This bless­èd Rock amid the waves.

When clouds are dense around your bark,
And when the wind in an­ger raves,
Sail on and trust, nor fear the dark,
There is a Rock amid the waves.


When wild winds rave and bil­lows roll,
There’s safe­ty near the One who saves;
For ev­ery lov­ing, trust­ing soul,
There is a Rock amid the waves.


Are you up­on the sea alone?
Friends gone whose love your sad heart craves?
He sees the tear­drops of His own,
This bless­èd Rock amid the waves.


We’ll reach the har­bor some glad day,
Where dwell the hosts He sweet­ly saves,
Where all the tears are wiped away,
By this great Rock among the waves.
