Scripture Verse

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32


Words: Frank­lin Hunt­er, 2002 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Van­cou­ver Ro­bert Low­ry, 1876 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert Lowry (1826–1899)


Blessèd God, we bow in wor­ship
May this house be filled with praise,
As we turn our eyes on Je­sus
Dwell up­on His earth­ly days.
With His blood He paid the ran­som,
Broke our fet­ters, set us free,
Blessed Sav­iour, Thy sal­va­tion
Saves for all eter­ni­ty.

Voices then we all lift heaven­ward
To the Lord of all Su­preme
And like one of old in Scrip­ture
In the tem­ple in a dream.
Cherubim are there be­fore Him,
Seraphim sur­round and sing,
O this won­der of all won­ders
Jesus now is Lord and King.

Spread the word to all who love Him,
Raise an an­them to His name.
Jesus Christ the on­ly Sav­iour
Yester-day, to­day the same.
Ground of peace and of sal­va­tion
O what grace and joy abound,
Grandest theme through­out the ag­es,
Praise the Lord, re­demp­tion ground.

Sing His praise and like a cla­ri­on,
Loud and long re­tain the sound.
For ‘tis through His great sal­va­tion,
That we are no long­er bound.
Sin no more can have do­min­ion,
In His death He set us free;
Shout this mes­sage to the na­tions,
Jesus Christ brings li­ber­ty.