Scripture Verse

You have been…a shelter from the storm. Isaiah 25:4


Words: Ed Bea­ty & Leo­nard E. Smith, 1994.

Music: Ed Be­aty & Leo­nard Smith, 1994. Ar­ranged by Ri­chard W. Ad­ams, 1997 (🔊).

Leonard E. Smith

Resting in You was writ­ten by Ed and my­self when we worked to­ge­ther on the same wor­ship team lead­ing wor­ship in our church. We were simp­ly ov­erwhelmed by the idea that our lives are real­ly safe in God’s hands no mat­ter what may be hap­pen­ing.

Leonard Smith


In the eye of the hur­ri­cane,
I find peace in the storm.
By trust­ing in You, Lord,
My soul is re­born.
Like a child in Your arms,
Safe and warm against the night,
You will bear me through the dark­ness,
Surrounded by Your light.


Resting in You, Lord,
Safe in Your arms,
Resting in You, Lord,
I am safe in Your arms.

Though the mount­ains may crum­ble,
And the sea roll away,
I know You are with me,
Through the night and the day.
For You’re right here in­side me;
Yes, You live with­in my heart.
I’ve aban­doned my life in­to
Your gen­tle, lov­ing arms.


When my bur­dens grow hea­vy,
And I bend be­neath the load,
Then Your strength will help me
Down the long, dus­ty road.
All my tri­als and tri­bu­la­tions,
They can on­ly make me strong.
For You lift my soul with glad­ness,
And fill my heart with song.
