My whole being, praise the Lord. Do not forget all His kindnesses.
Psalm 103:2
Words: William C. Martin, in Messenger of Song, edited by Rufus H. Cornelius (Midlothian, Texas: R. H. Cornelius, 1912).
Music: Mayfair R. L. Ferguson, in Songs of the Cross, edited by Rufus Cornelius (Fort Worth, Texas: R. H. Cornelius, 1924), number 42 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know Ferguson’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
When the clouds are dark above you,
And your burdens grow more pressing;
When you think God does not love you,
Then remember every blessing.
Count them over, all your blessings,
All God’s loving hands have given;
Count them often, count your blessings,
And this earth will seem a heaven.
When the oil and meal are ceasing,
And the famine is oppressing;
When the sorrows are increasing,
Then remember every blessing.
Love is yours that knows no measure,
Boundless grace are you possessing;
Wealth beyond all earthly treasure,
O, remember every blessing.
Never doubt God’s love is o’er you,
Never cease His love confessing;
Every step love goes before you,
O, remember every blessing.