Christ hath redeemed us.
Galatians 3:13
Words: Eliza E. Hewitt, in The Ideal Song and Hymn Book, edited by Daniel Towner (Chicago, Illinois: Fleming H. Revell, 1909), number 8.
Music: Fontana Daniel B. Towner, 1909 (🔊 pdf nwc).
At the cross, our sins confessing,
Humbly we would look above,
Seeking every promised blessing,
Purchased by redeeming love.
Love beyond all human measure,
Source of every lasting pleasure,
Hope of never failing treasure,
Sing, O sing redeeming love!
Love that sent the mighty Savior,
Cares for all our daily needs;
Happy in His tender favor,
Let us follow where He leads.
When the beams of joy are glowing,
’Tis His goodness they proclaim;
When the wintry winds are blowing,
Love divine abides the same.
Blessèd faith, the billows breasting,
Faith that sees His face above;
Glad the soul on Jesus resting,
Saved by His redeeming love.