Scripture Verse

Christ hath redeemed us. Galatians 3:13


Words & Mu­sic: Tul­li­us C. O’Kane, in Jas­per and Gold (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Hitch­cock & Wal­den, 1877), num­ber 136 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Tullius O’Kane (1830–1912)


O, sing of Je­sus, Lamb of God,
Who died on Cal­va­ry,
And for a ran­som shed His blood
For you and ev­en me.


I’m re­deemed, I’m re­deemed,
Thro’ the blood of the Lamb that was slain,
I’m re­deemed, I’m re­deemed,
Hallelujah un­to His name.

O, won­drous pow­er of love di­vine,
So pure, so full, so free!
It reach­es out to all man­kind,
Embraces ev­en me.


All glo­ry now to Christ the Lord,
And ev­er­more shall be;
He hath red­eemed a world from sin,
And ran­somed ev­en me.
