By grace ye are saved.
Ephesians 2:5
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Songs of Service and Praise, by Edwin W. Rice (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Union Press, 1904).
Music: Anchorage Victor H. Benke (🔊 pdf nwc).
Wake thou, my harp, O Mighty Love,
That fills the boundless realm above!
Sweep thou, my strings, for I would sing
Redeeming grace thro’ Christ my king.
Redeeming grace, redeeming grace,
That gives my soul a resting place;
I’ll sing, while time rolls on apace,
Redeeming grace, redeeming grace.
Thou great First Cause of mortal good,
Whose throne thro’ endless years has stood,
Instruct my feeble voice to sing
Redeeming grace thro’ Christ my king.
The spark has kindled to a flame;
My soul, rejoicing in Thy name,
Bids all within me join and sing
Redeeming grace thro’ Christ my king.
And when my spirit flees away
From all that cheers life’s fleeting day,
With saints around Thy throne I’ll sing
Redeeming grace thro’ Christ my king.