Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood.
Revelation 5:9
Words: Martin W. Knapp, Bible Songs of Salvation and Victory (Cincinnati, Ohio: M. W. Knapp, 1902), number 1.
Music: Helsinki, arranged by Robert E. McNeill (🔊 pdf nwc).
John saw upon Patmos,
A vision so bright;
The saints from all nations
In garments of light,
With palms and rejoicing
Before the white throne,
They gave all the glory
To Jesus alone.
Redeemed by the blood;
Redeemed by the blood;
Arrayed in white garments,
Redeemed by the blood.
Salvation and honor
And wisdom and might
And glory and blessing,
Their voices unite,
Ascribing to Jesus,
The Lamb that was slain,
Soon coming in glory,
Forever to reign.
A few from the honored,
And noble by birth,
The most had been humble
Or outcasts on earth;
Transformed by the Spirit,
Their anthems they bring,
And adoring their Savior,
United they sing.
From great tribulation
They hither repair;
And victors forever,
God’s glory they share;
From sword and from scaffold,
From dungeon and stake,
Naught ever could move them
Their Lord to forsake.
For this they are honored,
And serve day and night,
And nearest the throne they
Rejoice in His light;
They hunger no more,
By the Lamb they are fed;
By Him to the fountain
Of waters are led.
Their tears are all banished,
God wipes them away,
Enthroned in His presence
Forever they stay;
What reward and what honor
For service so small!
One hour of such blessing
Repays them for all.