Scripture Verse

Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood. Revelation 5:9


Martin W. Knapp (1853–1901)

Words: Mar­tin W. Knapp, Bi­ble Songs of Sal­va­tion and Vic­to­ry (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: M. W. Knapp, 1902), num­ber 1.

Music: Hel­sin­ki, ar­ranged by Ro­bert E. Mc­Neill (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert E. McNeill (1861–1937)


John saw up­on Pat­mos,
A vi­sion so bright;
The saints from all na­tions
In gar­ments of light,
With palms and re­joic­ing
Before the white throne,
They gave all the glo­ry
To Je­sus alone.


Redeemed by the blood;
Redeemed by the blood;
Arrayed in white gar­ments,
Redeemed by the blood.

Salvation and hon­or
And wis­dom and might
And glo­ry and bless­ing,
Their voic­es unite,
Ascribing to Je­sus,
The Lamb that was slain,
Soon com­ing in gl­ory,
Forever to reign.


A few from the hon­ored,
And no­ble by birth,
The most had been hum­ble
Or out­casts on earth;
Transformed by the Spir­it,
Their ant­hems they bring,
And ador­ing their Sav­ior,
United they sing.


From great tri­bu­la­tion
They hi­ther re­pair;
And vic­tors for­ev­er,
God’s glo­ry they share;
From sword and from scaf­fold,
From dun­geon and stake,
Naught ev­er could move them
Their Lord to for­sake.


For this they are hon­ored,
And serve day and night,
And near­est the throne they
Rejoice in His light;
They hun­ger no more,
By the Lamb they are fed;
By Him to the fount­ain
Of wa­ters are led.


Their tears are all ban­ished,
God wipes them away,
Enthroned in His pre­sence
Forever they stay;
What re­ward and what hon­or
For ser­vice so small!
One hour of such bless­ing
Repays them for all.
