You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night.
Psalm 91:5
Words: Mrs. E. C. Huckabee, in The World Evangel, edited by Robert H. Coleman (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Baptist Publishing Society, 1913), number 82, alt.
Music: Buckinghamshire E. C. Huckabee, 1913 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know the author or composer’s full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
Purple shadows on the mountains,
Drop a coverlet of rest,
As a hand lets down night’s curtain
O’er the rough and rugged breasts.
Dark and murky are the outlines,
Yet I know tomorrow’s sun
Will again in beauty shineth,
Till the shadows are all gone.
Wait until the morning breaketh,
Fear no more the shadowy night;
Lift your burdened heart that acheth,
See the dawning rays of light.
Is your heart bowed down with burdens,
Has the night passed o’er your soul?
O then look beyond the mountains,
Know that God in Heaven rules.
Soon will rise the sun in splendor,
And your path will all be plain,
All the rough ways will be smoother,
If the Christ in you shall reign.
Now has come the eve of lifetime,
And the purple shadows fall;
May the peace of God abideth,
Till death’s angel sends his call.
Look! the light of Heaven shineth!
And the soul has found release
From this shadowy world that lieth,
Where the burdens never cease.