Scripture Verse

I am the bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16


Words & Mu­sic: Phi­lip P. Bliss, Sun­shine for Sun­day Schools (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: John Church & George F. Root and Sons, 1873), num­ber 68 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Philip Bliss (1838–1876)

Origin of the Hymn

On one oc­ca­sion the ves­sel on which [Dwight L.] Moody was re­turn­ing from Eur­ope, ac­com­pa­nied by his old­est son, was dis­abled by the break­ing of a pro­pel­ling shaft.

Mrs. Moody was at my home in Brook­lyn, wait­ing to re­ceive them on their ar­ri­val. Day af­ter day passed with­out word from the steam­er, and Mrs. Moody be­came al­most fran­tic with an­xi­ety.

At last I re­ceived this ca­ble dis­patch from Mr. Moody: Saved, thank God. I learned af­ter­wards that the peo­ple ga­thered around him and begged him to pray for their de­liv­er­ance.

Several in­fi­dels on board, who had been mak­ing light of Mr. Moody’s work, were found kneel­ing at his side, and through the ear­nest­ness of his pray­ers and di­vine help they were led to Christ.

Sankey, p. 222

We watched the wreck with great an­xi­ety. The life boat had been out some hours, but could not reach the ves­sel through the great break­ers that raged and foamed on the sand bank.

The boat ap­peared to be leav­ing the crew to per­ish. But in a few min­utes the Cap­tain and six­teen sail­ors were ta­ken off, and the ves­sel went down.

When the life boat came to you, did you ex­pect it had brought some tools to re­pair your old ship? I said.

Oh no, she was a to­tal wreck. Two of her masts were gone, and if we had stayed mend­ing her on­ly a few minutes, we must have gone down, sir.

When once off the old wreck and safe in the life boat, what re­mained for you to do?

Nothing, sir, but just to pull for the shore.

Whittle, p. 133


Light in the dark­ness, sailor, day is at hand!
See o’er the foam­ing bil­lows fair ha­ven’s land,
Drear was the voy­age, sail­or, now al­most o’er,
Safe with­in the life boat, sail­or,
Pull for the shore.


Pull for the shore, sail­or, pull for the shore!
Heed not the roll­ing waves, but bend to the oar;
Safe in the life boat, sail­or, cling to self no more!
Leave the poor old strand­ed wreck,
And pull for the shore.

Trust in the life boat, sail­or, all else will fail,
Stronger the surg­es dash and fierc­er the gale,
Heed not the stor­my winds, though loud­ly they roar;
Watch the bright and morn­ing Star,
And pull for the shore!


Bright gleams the morn­ing, sail­or, up­lift the eye;
Clouds and dark­ness dis­ap­pearing, glo­ry is nigh!
Safe in the life boat, sail­or, sing ev­er­more;
Glory, glo­ry, hal­le­lu­jah!
Pull for the shore.
