Scripture Verse

A land flowing with milk and honey. Exodus 3:8


Words: Jo­shua Gill, in Re­vi­val Hymns, ed­it­ed by J. M. Kerr (To­ro­nto, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da: Will­iam Briggs, 1889).

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Gill (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


I fled from Egypt’s bond­age,
I heard that help was near;
I cast my care on Je­sus,
And He dis­persed my fear:
I passed between the bil­lows;
Walled up on ev­ery hand,
I trusted to my cap­tain,
And sought the pro­mised land.


I am ov­er, yes ov­er
On Ca­naan’s shore I stand;
I am ov­er, yes, ov­er,
In the pro­mised land.

I sang a song of tri­umph,
I shout­ed o’er and o’er;
And then pur­sued my jour­ney,
For Ca­naan’s hap­py shore:
I came to Si­nai’s mount­ain,
I trod the de­sert sand,
I drank at Hor­eb’s fount­ain,
Seeking the pro­mised land.


The spies brought back their mes­sage,
Some wept, some said, We can;
The land was all ’twas pro­mised,
But who would lead the van?
At last, my heart des­pair­ing,
Of en­ter­ing with this band,
I cried aloud to Je­sus,
To show the pro­mised land.


Then, af­ter wea­ry march­es,
And many a longi­ng sigh,
I found the ri­ver cross­ing,
And saw the land was nigh:
The Lord looked down in merc­y,
By faith I touched His hand,
I fol­lowed close be­side Him,
And found the pro­mised land.


And now my song of glad­ness
I’m sing­ing day by day,
For fel­low­ship with Je­sus
Makes calm and bright my way;
I fear not for the mor­row,
For His al­migh­ty hand
I know shall lead and keep me
In this, the pro­mised land.
