Scripture Verse

I will arise and go to my father. Luke 15:18


Thomas O. Chisholm (1866–1960)

Words: Tho­mas O. Chis­holm, in Im­ma­nu­el’s Praise, ed­it­ed by Charles M. Al­ex­an­der, J. Fred Schol­field & George Steb­bins (New York: Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1914), num­ber 117.

Music: George C. Steb­bins (🔊 pdf nwc).


Out in the wil­der­ness wild and drear,
Sadly I’ve wan­dered for ma­ny a year,
Driven by hun­ger and filled with fear,
I will arise and go;
Backward with sor­row my steps to trace,
Seeking my hea­ven­ly Fa­ther’s face,
Willing to take but a ser­vant’s place,
I will arise and go.


Back to my Fa­ther and home,
Back to my Fa­ther and home,
I will arise and go
Back to my Fa­ther and home.

Why should I per­ish in dark des­pair,
Here where there’s no one to help or care,
When there is shel­ter and food to spare?
I will arise and go;
Deeply re­pent­ing the wrong I’ve done,
Worthy no more to be called a son,
Hoping my Fa­ther His child may own,
I will arise and go.


Sweet are the me­mo­ries that come to me,
Faces of loved ones again I see,
Visions of home where I used to be,
I will arise and go;
Others have gone who had wan­dered, too,
They were for­giv­en, were clothed anew,
Why should I lin­ger with home in view?
I will arise and go.


O that I ne­ver had gone as­tray!
Life was all ra­di­ant with hope one day,
Now all its trea­sures I’ve thrown away,
Yet I’ll arise and go;
Something is say­ing, God loves you still,
Tho’ you have treat­ed His love so ill,

I must not wait, for the night grows chill,
I will arise and go.


Return of the Prodigal Son
Stanislas Darondeau (1807–1841)